TDI Full Cave Diver or Razor Cave Diver Training

Mexico beckons passionate cave divers, and we were no exception! Our love for this exhilarating pursuit led us to relocate to Yucatan, where we are now nestled near the mesmerizing cenotes, fully immersed in the world of cave diving.

If you’re an intrepid adventurer with a fervent desire to explore overhead environments, our Cave Diving Training awaits you. The Yucatan Peninsula is home to the world’s longest underwater cave systems, a lifetime’s worth of exploration that continues to unveil its secrets. At Deep Dark Diving, we are dedicated to sharing our passion and guiding you through the enchanting passages of Tulum’s cenotes and their surroundings. Our commitment to safety and conservation is unwavering as we offer high-quality cave diving training.

Caverns and caves are breathtaking, captivating wonders of our planet. However, navigating these intricate environments poses significant challenges. Yet, the attraction intensifies when you venture into underwater caverns and caves, becoming one of the fortunate few.

Be prepared, as cave diving in Mexico can become quite addictive! Rest assured, we prioritize your safety and are eager to share our passion.

During your Cave Diving Training in Mexico, you will master gas management, emergency procedures, buoyancy and trim, propulsion techniques, line and reel utilization, and equipment management in various conditions and environments.

2-3 days
4 Cavern dives

Daylight zone
“Rule of thirds,” or 1/6th of doubles
Max depth: 40 m/130 ft
Penetration limited to 61 m/200  ft
No restrictions

Cavern diving training - Mexico - Cave Diving Training In The Cenotes Of Mexico

The TDI Cavern Diver training course introduces the “minimum” skills, task loading, problem-solving, knowledge, and the ability to dive within the “cavern” zone. You will also learn the dangers and risks of diving in an overhead environment. The Cavern course is not intended to provide instruction for Cave Diving.

2-3 days
4 Cave dives

1/3 of a single diving cylinder or 1/6th if using double cylinders
Maximum depth: 40 meters / 130 feet

The TDI Intro-to-Cave Diver training course further develops the skills and knowledge required to dive into the overhead environment and beyond the daylight zone. The course explains the dangers and risks involved. Skills in the Intro to Cave course include line navigation, zero visibility training, gas management, touch contact, emergency procedures, and prior course skills.

Cave Diving Training In The Cenotes Of Mexico

SDI - SCUBA DIVING INTERNATIONAL - Cave Diving Training In The Cenotes Of Mexico
TECHNICAL DIVING INTERNATIONAL - TDI - Cave Diving Training In The Cenotes Of Mexico
Razor Side Mount Instructor -  RAZOR GO SIDEMOUNT - Cave Diving Training In The Cenotes Of Mexico
DIVESOFT Liberty CCR - Cave Diving Training In The Cenotes Of Mexico
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