Despite our company’s mission to be 100% respectful and honest with our customers, sometimes we receive different feedback.
We understand that occasionally, some unexpected events might happen during your holidays. For this reason, we have implemented a transparent, open, and honest Refund and cancellation Policy without small prints.
The information below sets forth the Refund and Cancellation Policy for online pre-bookings and direct reservations on-site at our dive center for excursions in the Riviera Maya, Mexico. (Group Tours & International Travel Tours have different refund & cancellation policies.)
Ocean diving relies on the weather. Diving in the Cenotes is NOT affected by the weather. Still, the rain may affect road conditions, causing some traffic delays. Wind causes waves and can jeopardize the STATUS of the port. The status of the port can be: “Open,” “Open with precaution,” or “Closed.”
- Deep Dark Diving will advise the client (s) if an excursion should be rescheduled, changed to a different date, or canceled due to bad weather.
- Rainy or cloudy weather is not a valid reason for cancellation by the client; we strictly follow Harbor Master’s recommendations on when to cancel a tour.
- All dive/snorkel/excursions will commence as scheduled without further notice from Deep Dark Diving.
- Canceling a reservation within 72 hours of starting a course or tour will result in no refund.
- Cancellations less than 72 hours before a course or dive or snorkel trip due to sickness must be justified in writing by a Medical authority for a 50% refund of the excursion’s total cost.
- If a certified diver is not “fit to dive” due to alcohol or drug influence, Deep Dark Diving reserves the right to cancel the excursion without a refund. The client will cover the logistics cost if a trip to see the doctor at the Hyperbaric Chamber is needed for a Medical Statement.
- Cancelations by Deep Dark Diving due to extreme weather will result in a 100% refund.
- Suppose the dates of a course/tour have to be changed due to Covid-related flight restrictions, natural or political events. In that case, Deep Dark Diving will reschedule any activity reserved to a different date without any cost to the client.
- A “No Show” without notice in advance is equivalent to a cancellation without notice. No refund will be given.
- Deep Dark Diving will offer exchange products and alternatives for closed port situations or bad weather.
- The client (s) is obliged to comply with all instructions provided by Deep Dark Diving and the excursion leadership (such as but not limited to trip leaders, guides, diving instructors and diving assistants, captain and crew of the ships, helicopter personal/pilots, local agent and the personnel of accommodation providers such as hotels, accommodations, and diving locations) to benefit the sound execution of the trip.
- According to the model traveler’s standards of conduct, the client is 100% liable for damage caused by any improper behavior, such as but not limited to damage to the environment, damage towards fellow travelers or material, boats, or transportation.
- The contracting party must not breach any enactment or law in Mexico. Any breach or violation is solely the travel participant’s responsibility.
- Apart from possible punishment by law, any contracting party who commits a breach of enactment, regulation, or guideline or causes a disturbance or threatens to cause such disruption that the proper execution of part of a trip is seriously hindered or could result in danger for the contracting party or the fellow travelers including Deep Dark Diving and the environment, can by or on behalf of Deep Dark Diving (trip leadership or the local representatives), be excluded from (continuation of) the trip (components).
- In the case of exclusion, the contracting party is not entitled to claim restitution of (part of) the price.
- Suppose the disturbing behavior and damage or breach/violation occur. In that case, the contracting party will be charged for all costs.
- For refunds on credit card payments, transfers, or other electronic fund payments, a 10% charge applies.
Please understand that we have no control over the weather or the decisions of the Harbor Master.